Haynes Street Upgrade – City of Kalamunda

The City are proposing to upgrade Haynes Street with new paving treatments (road and footpath with level changes), new street trees, furniture and a public plaza area. Mark Jumeaux was engaged by the City to prepare an artist impression of the proposed landscape design treatment and cost estimation, before completing detail construction documentation with input from GFG Engineers. The prepared images were used successfully to gain approval from the stakeholders the Councillors.

Brisbane Street Carpark Upgrades – City of Vincent

GFG Consulting was engaged by the City of Vincent to prepare concept designs and prepare detailed design for the upgrade of Brisbane Street Carpark as follows:-

  • Incorporate water sensitive urban design principals;
  • Incorporate tree planting, indicating species selection, that will achieve an overall mature canopy cover of 60% (minimum);
  • Incorporate garden areas, including species selection;
  • Include the surrounding verge areas; and
  • Incorporate existing lighting.

Living Stream – City of Bayswater – Jakobson St & Russell St Bayswater

GFG Consulting was engaged by the City of Bayswater to provide design and documentation support services for the Jakobson Living Stream project.

GFG Consulting’s Associate Frank Lombardo was selected to provide the Civil Engineering Design services to assist the City to convert a portion of open drain between the Jakobson Way pedestrian crossing over the drain and the inlet downstream at Walter Road.

More specifically GFG Consulting carried out the following:

  • Project Managed and prepared the Preliminary Design sketches for discussion with the Water Corporation
  • Prepared the detailed design and documentation,
  • Provided construction estimates,
  • Developed the Water Corporation compliant drafting documentation to WC DS80,
  • Prepared the safety in design report
  • WCX output for the design submission to the WC and

Provided the design long sections and cross sections.


Takafusa Australia Pty Ltd

GFG Consulting were appointed to Project Manage a Land Development project at Lot 6 Bortolo Drive, Greenfields WA for Takafusa Australia Pty Ltd.

The Design & Construction phase of the project involved the development of Lot 6 Bortolo Drive into 11 larger, unsewered lots for sale and a “Balance Lot” for future development.

This project involved:

  • Provision of engineering infrastructure related support through the WAPC submission/approval stage.
  • Undertaking engineering design and drafting and documentation for the works.
  • Coordination of other required professional support services, including: Surveyors, Environmental Scientists/Geotechnical Engineers/Landscape Architects.
  • Seeking necessary design approvals from service approval authorities prior to construction phase.
  • Preparation of construction tender documentation and administration of the construction tender process.
  • Engaging a suitable Construction Contractor to undertake the works.
  • Project Managing the Construction Phase on behalf of the client

Coordinating the necessary approvals and clearances to enable land titles to be issued.